Do you ever have the time to stop and look around you?… To look higher than your eye level, further than your comfort zone?… Not only to look, but to see and notice, observe!… See the beauty of the world – it’s there, but you just need to want to see it.. See the amazing colours of the sunset. See the random tiny bird hidden on the tree and the weird shadows presenting a different perspective of the familiar…

We often don’t have the time to do so when we rush every day to work, school, shop or wherever you’re going, wherever you’re running to.
But, hey, just STOP!
You don’t even know what wonderful things you’re missing right now. There’s so much around there to see.

I tend to do it – go to a particular place, rush, run, see only the quickest way to get where I want to go – where I need to go… But at some point, if I don’t take a break from this fast city life, it always gets frustrating and I feel really exhausted. So there is time when I simply stop. Sit down. Have a walk. Wonder around and notice things I have never noticed before – the colour of the building I walk by every day, the shape of the pretty railings of that old house, the cat looking at me from the shop’s window, the flowers on the bushes on the other side of the river, the really odd street art – all the interesting things I miss when I don’t see – the unusual in the ordinary and people that run in circles just like me! And I let my thoughts wonder too, because they also need to get free from time to time. And this makes me feel much better and stronger 🙂 This makes me feel alive…
have you ever seen the rain… 🙂